Sunday 24 July 2011

Literature Majors Need Library Automation Software

If your nose is always buried in a book, you probably have shelves upon shelves of books at home, so many, in fact, that you may not remember all that you own. Normally, this isn't a problem, but when you are a literature major or you are studying literature in a more academic setting, you need to be able to keep track of what you own. This will help you when you are writing papers, theses, and even your dissertation. With library automation software, you can begin to arrange your library without having to move a book on your shelf.

The Literature You Need

When you're in your basic literature classes, you will find you need to read certain books in order to keep up with your tests and papers. These books will be on your book list for the semester or quarter, and you just need to go to the bookstore to fetch them. However, if you're already interested in books and reading, you may already own a number of books you will study. Without library automatic software, you may not even realize this. This software will keep track of all the books you own and it will allow you to check this list against your book list to see what you really need to buy, and what you do not. College and upper level education isn't cheap. You need to find ways to save money wherever you can.

The Genres of Your Study

Since most literature majors will end up choosing one particular genre for their larger area of expertise, you will want to start using library automation software now to see how your collection measures up. For example, if you are a fan of historical fiction, you might want to categorize your books by this genre and then by the authors within the genre. With the software, all you do is type the titles and authors in to help you see what you own and what you might still want to read. You can also include quick notes to yourself in order to remember the story and the things you liked (or not) about the book.

The Ideas You Have

As you continue in your teaching careers or in your academic study, you will also want to use library automation software to keep track of books you want to pursue more deeply. This will help you to keep track of your paper and publication ideas while also allowing you to see what books inspired your ideas as well. And if you realize that the book that is your muse is not in your catalog, you might want to head out to buy it. Or you can look at the books you have in your library automation software to see what other books are similar and might serve as comparison points.

Being a literature major is not an easy thing, but with library automation software, it can be more organized and even a bit inspiring along the way.

Max Smirnov, Library Automation Software Author

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