Friday 19 August 2011

Wind in Your Sales

Recent research leaves no doubt that managers can make or break senior living sales. Are your leaders steering or sinking your efforts?


Executives in any field would agree that sales managers play a pivotal role in maintaining and growing a healthy business. They are the ones charged with keeping all the balls in the air while motivating staff toward fulfilling the company's goals. At best, they are strategic thinkers with excellent people and team management skills. But at worst, they can send quality sales staff packing, leaving providers in a lurch. Now senior living executives have the research to back these experiences-a valuable tool not only for staffing purposes but also for developing effective sales strategies.

The study, conducted by the Center for Applied Sales Research (CASR), focuses on senior living sales managers and how their positive contributions and leadership skills can translate into value-added strategies- or thwart even the best laid plans.   

Research Methodology

Among the most compelling results of the CASR Sales Management Value-Added Survey are the stories senior living sales staff share, like this one: "My worst sales manager told me all year long that I was doing a great job, spent no time in the field with me, only to slam me with the worst review ever!"

Feedback like this doesn't provide quantitative data, but it does illustrate a negative behavior (i.e., what not to do as a sales manager) and helps identify managerial mistakes that may hinder sales efforts in the senior living market. Overall, research results include verbatim findings as well as responses to specific questions that can help providers develop targeted sales strategies. Note that the survey is still open and that these findings are based on preliminary returns; the CASR will issue a final report later this year.

The survey focuses on answering these questions:

o How can sales managers add value to the selling efforts of their sales people?

o What can they do or not do to make a positive difference?

o What values have shaped sales managers' perspectives and influenced their personal and professional growth?

Survey results are being collected in two parts, using two methods:

Online surveys. The first part of the survey guides respondents through a series of questions asking for their perspectives on how they motivate, lead, coach, inspire, mentor, and add value to sales efforts. It also asks them to detail the qualities of the best and worst sales managers they have worked for, along with particularly good or bad examples of their behavior.

The second part of the online survey examines the values that have affected them throughout their lifetimes, including satisfying and disappointing life experiences as well as interactions with parents, relatives, teachers, and their children. Respondents who complete the online survey then gain access to an anonymous summary of information contributed by all participants.

Telephone interviews. These interviews cover the same questions as the online survey and help supplement and balance the data collected online.

At press time, research findings included responses from at least 25 sales managers, representing five leading senior living providers.

Reading the Results

Research studies like this one are most useful when their results provide practical tips and strategies to improve operations. The following provides a small sampling of responses to a few of the survey questions from sales managers and from interviews with sales people. Questions that ask for specifics more easily yield tips and strategies sales executives can use in their daily operations.  

In what ways do you inspire or motivate your sales people?

o Sending notes with words of encouragement. Letting them know their hard work is appreciated. Celebrating their successes.

o Bringing energy, enthusiasm, new ideas, humor, and a sense of "pleasant persistence" to problem-solving interactions.

o Creating sales achievement contests and opportunities for recognition of performance.

o Leading by example. I would not ask them to do anything I would not do.

o Encouraging new approaches, and new ideas to achieve success.

How do you lead your sales people toward success?

o Creating mutually agreed-upon goals and then holding them accountable to them.

o Showing up early and staying late.

o Always taking the ethical approach to situations even when it is difficult.

o Demonstrating a willingness to work side-by-side with them in making calls and closing sales.

What would your sales people say you do as a sales manager to create value for them?

o Mediating with operations to remove sales barriers, mostly with their executive directors.

o Bringing new ideas and a fresh perspective to find innovative ways to close more sales.

o Providing updated information on company- specific as well as health-care and senior living issues.

o Being an effective listener who is responsive to their personal and professional challenges.  

Think of the teachers or coaches that influenced you. What ideas or philosophies did they embrace that have shaped your views?

o I had a teacher who insisted that you challenge whatever idea seemed to be the only one. It has helped me realize that there is always another way of looking at something.

o I had a teacher who always insisted that you give more than the minimum answer required. It has led me to become a more inquisitive and complete learner.

o I had a lot of coaches. Some used negative reinforcement and others a positive, encouraging approach. We all responded and played better with the positive coaching.

o Never give up on those who want to be helped to achieve, because some day they will succeed and you will have built great loyalty.

 Survey Benefits

Because sales managers who complete the online survey gain access to a summary of what all respondents have contributed, the research provides a built-in opportunity to learn from a specific peer group-sales executives in senior living. As such, respondents so far have consistently commented that the process of completing the survey was of immediate, intrinsic value to them.

This research also marks the first time there has been comprehensive study of the sales efforts specific to the senior living sector. As such, it provides specific insights and strategies to those who want to become more effective sales managers.

Many sales professionals in senior living refer to their work as "applied psychology" because a large part of their jobs is understanding the motivations and desires of their prospects. This research turns the tables and delves into the salesperson's motivations and desires, providing them an insightful tool for doing their jobs better in any circumstance.

The research results further illustrate that, particularly in a people-focused industry, sales managers should seek to model effective management behaviors as well as understand their own motivations as they attempt to bring value to the efforts of others.

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20 Surefire Ways to Supercharge Your Sales!

1. Write A Riveting And Intriguing Headline!

Your headline is ultimately the single most important factor that will determine whether the rest of your sales letter (which incidentally contains your offer) will be read or not by your prospective buyer. Thus it makes sense to devote extra time and effort to create the absolutely best header that you can.

Oh! And it certainly helps if your headline has a modicum of originality as opposed to being a complete duplicate of some other headline that you stumbled across on some other sales page on the internet?

Why bother with originality?

Well it is quite possible that your prospective buyer may have stumbled across that plagiarized headline of yours on some other website just like you did and if they happen to have had an unpleasant experience on that other website when they see a similar headline on your website that unpleasant experience will invariably resurface, automatically encouraging them to click away!

Don't get carried away by overly emphasizing every aspect of your header. Abide by the cardinal rule that if you emphasize everything you are emphasizing nothing! One last thing to note about constructing the perfect headline is that it should be short, concise and taut (as much as possible anyway).

2. Your Sales Letter Should Be One On One!

Remember that when you write to everyone you are writing to nobody! In other words structure the communication of your sales letter (or sales page) as if you were addressing one person, and one person alone! When you construct your sales page your goal is to make your reader feel as if you are having a heart-to-heart conversation with them alone.

3. Address Your Readers Concerns!

That person reading your sales page is not actually doing so because of its Pulitzer-quality writing, but because that magnetizing headline of yours promised to solve a problem that has been gnawing away at them! Most importantly they are even willing to pay you cold hard cash if your sales letter convinces them that you can actually resolve their problem.

4. The Body Text Of Your Sales Letter Should Follow Through With The Promise Of Your Headline!

Make sure that the main thrust of the rest of your sales letter reaffirms the offer promised by its headline. In other words do not promise one thing in the headline and then meander off in a totally different direction within the body text of your sales copy. This will only confuse your reader and ultimately lose you the sale!

5. The Sales Letter Is About Your Reader Not You!

Remember this is not about you but all about your reader. So address their concerns and issues, and as much as possible resist the temptation to talk about yourself. The only time when it is okay to paint yourself into the picture is when you wish to forge a stronger bond with your reader by sharing a similar experience.

6. Avoid Page Leak!

So what is page leak? Any element that can distract your reader's attention away from your ultimate goal should be removed from your sales page. That means removing all outbound links from your sales letter (don't want your reader clicking on one of those and then being diverted to another website and getting permanently distracted from that wonderful offer of yours now do you?).

7. Sell One Item Only!

Too many choices, too many ideas, too many options do not make life easier for your reader but paradoxically make it harder for them to reach a conclusion. When it comes to marketing an abundance of choice is actually not liberating but rather paralyzing. When a prospect cannot choose between one option and the next eventually all momentum they had to reach a conclusion is sabotaged by apathy and they simply stall to a shutdown!

So do yourself, your sale and your prospect a favor, keep it simple! Sell one item only!

8. Create An Irresistible Offer!

Figure out and make an offer that is just too good to pass up!

9. Go Easy On The Hype But Knock Yourself Out With The Facts!

It's a whole new brave world of internet marketing out there and hype is no longer a credible currency (well at least it is a much reduced one) these days. Your sales letter will have a much better conversion rate if you back up your claims with facts and credible reasons.

10. Effective Selling Means Tapping Into The Right Emotion!

If you don't know this by now then it is high time that you did. People buy for emotional reasons not for logical or rational ones! They merely subconsciously delude themselves into believing that they made the purchase based on a rational decision.

Consider the case of the middle-aged business man (and loving father of three) who went out and bought a flashy red Porsche 911 on the underlying premise that he would be able to negotiate the LA commute that much faster and hence ultimately be more productive. The truth of the matter (which by the way his wife was well aware of) was that the man was merely trying to relive his glorious youth when girls still checked him out (can anyone shout mid-life crisis)!

A sales letter that appeals to a person's logical and rational mind is going to have very limited success!

11. Write The Way That You Actually Speak!

Writing the way that people normally speak is harder than you might think because we have been taught to do the precise opposite in school! However writing to reflect natural speech, like pretty much everything else, becomes easier with practice. It also helps if you read your sales copy out loud to yourself (or better yet, have somebody read it out to you).

12. Keep Your Sentences Short And Simple!

Remember that your sales letter is your advertising department, sales department and PR (public relations) department all rolled in one, so it is certainly in your interest to construct the very best possible sales letter that you can!

That means you should write short, simple-worded and powerful sentences as opposed to lengthy mind-numbing dissertations. Also try to use energetic words (verbs work best) with which you can paint powerful images that appeal to the emotions (don't forget that a picture speaks a thousand words).

One very effective form of sales copy is a staccato, rapid fire style of writing, that is punchy, short and to the point! Oh, another thing to avoid as much as possible using words your readers might not be familiar with (a good example is the word "stacato" that I just used).

13. Emphasize Benefits Not Features

Your reader is interested in what benefit he or she will derive from buying your product and how it will improve their life not the one million supposedly great features you took great care and time to compile and mention in your sales letter!

A good rule of thumb to remember is that features appeal to the rational whereas benefits appeal to the emotional. And as we all know now, emotion-charged letters are the ones that clinch the sale not those laced and oozing with cold hard logic.

14. Identify The Emotional Reasons Why People Buy Then Focus On One!

There are a number of well-recognized emotions and reasons that motivate people to buy and they include:

o Fear

o Love

o Greed

o Comfort

o Laziness

o Sex

o Power

o Self-Improvement

o Recognition

The ideal sales letter should be themed around one of the above listed reasons, and one alone (remember that whole chat we had about too many choices leading to confusion and apathy).

15. Sprinkle Your Sales Letter With Weapons Of Mass Persuasion!

What are the Weapons of Mass Persuasion (WMPs)? Weapons of Mass Persuasion include:

o Testimonials

o Screenshot Evidence

o Charts and images that backup your claims

Quite understandably in this day and age people are naturally skeptical especially when it comes to the internet and the only way in which you are going to be able to break through that barrier of skepticism is by backing up your claims with some form of proof and evidence.

Perhaps the strongest weapon of mass persuasion in your internet marketing arsenal is the testimonial! Why the testimonial?

Because the average person's actions and choices are pretty much based on what everybody else is doing and choosing. That's right! Human beings are little more than herds animals that subconsciously fashion their "unique" decisions and actions to mimic those of the majority!

Nobody except the most intrepid explorer wants to navigate uncharted waters first! After all, who knows what horrors may be lurking in the depths? But if some else has done it before and testified that it was great then it has to be okay, right?

The power of the testimonial lies in what is known as social evidence...if other people are doing it then it must be okay!

16. Create A Sense Of Urgency

Human beings are hardwired to dread the consequences of loss even more so than they look forward to the rewards of gain.

So knowing this tells you that if a prospect is aware that they have a limited time only to buy your product then they are going to be that much more inclined to make the purchase right away than if they think they have all the time in the world!

17. Professional Appearance!

Make sure that your sales letter exudes a high degree of professionalism both in appearance and content with respect to grammar and use of language. A sloppy letter will set off internal alarms in the subconscious of your reader and thus make it harder for you to claim the sale!

18. A Relevant Story Goes A Long Way!

Stories appeal to the emotional aspect of our minds and so if you can integrate an interesting story relevant to the theme of your sales pitch then you'll exponentially make your sales letter that much more memorable (stories are easier to remember). A good story incorporated within your sales letter could be the difference between a miss or a sale!

19. Have A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Competition is not to be feared because it means that the market you are targeting is evidently economically viable; in other words profitable.

Competition does mean that you have to get a little more creative to get your product to stand out from the rest of the crowd. That "standing out from the crowd" should be emphasized in your sales letter as your USP or Unique Selling Proposition. In other words your USP convinces a prospective buyer why they should buy from you as opposed to your competitors!

20. Call To Action

It is amazing how many marketers overlook this very simple but all too important aspect of their sales letter.

Make sure that you have a clear and easily understood call to action! A call to action is just the marketing way of describing that button or instruction that tells them where to click to make their purchase.

It is advisable to have the call to action replicated many times throughout your sales copy (some people are way too impatient to read through a long sales letter and a timely inserted call to action could be the difference between a sale or a person who clicks away from your site because they couldn't find where to pay).

Also ensure that your call to action form or button is very obviously that. You'd be surprised at the number of lost sales that result simply because the customer couldn't readily identify where they were supposed to pay!

Well that's it! Judicious application of these tips should help you increase your conversion rate and thus ultimately make more money online.

More Tips On How To Make Money

Ba Kiwanuka is the webmaster of

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Sales Presentation Training to Learn Sales Skills That Will Stop You Irritating Your Customers

This sales presentation training will tell you if you, or your sales team, are irritating your customers. Many sales people don't even know they are doing it. They could be losing sales and missing out on rewards, and be unaware of why. Only good sales training techniques will make them aware of their habit and get them to stop. They can then learn sales skills that will eliminate the problem for good, and increase the effectiveness of communication with buyers. So what's this habit that many sales people have but don't know they are doing it?

Erm, you know, obviously, you don't want to irritate the buyer

The next time you hear someone giving a presentation, on anything not just a sales presentation, count how often they repeat an irritator. Irritators are those words or phrases that people have a habit of repeating, and that add nothing to the meaning or the communication of the message. Typical irritators include: You know, obviously, yeah, basically, at the end of the day, and the most common irritator of all; Errmm. When people have the irritator habit they only use one. It's very rare to hear a mixture of different words or phrases repeated.

Errmm or err, tend to be used between sentences. To the listener it sounds like the presenter is thinking of what to say and just making a noise to fill the gap. Basically and obviously usually come at the start of a new topic in the sales presentation as a way of introducing the sentence. Listen to sports celebrities and spot the irritators. U.K. soccer players and managers can often be heard repeating; you know, at the end of the day, and over the moon, when giving interviews. On a recent sales presentation training course I had a delegate that constantly used the irritator; my friend, when showing features and benefits to a customer. Like most people he didn't realise he was doing it.

Sales presentation training on stopping irritators

The first sales training technique to stop people using irritators is to make them aware they are adding them to their presentation. You can do this in several ways. If you have visual or audio recording facilities, ask them to do a sales presentation and record it. Then play it back to them and ask them what they think. Most sales people will watch the replay and not pick up on the irritator habit. Once you point it out to them a look of revelation comes over their face. They realise they have been doing this for years and never noticed. For many just the action of pointing out the habit is enough to stop it happening. If they include it again, once they are aware of it, they can start to irritate themselves.

A good sales training technique to include in your sales training courses is to get all the delegates counting the number of times their colleagues use an irritator for the rest of the training course. I ask people to count by holding up their fingers as they listen to other delegates presenting. This usually limits the inclusion of the irritator to one or two as the speaker is again made aware the habit has returned. You have to use some diplomacy and tact when making people aware of their speaking habits. They can take it personally and feel insulted or embarrassed. When giving sales presentation training make it light hearted and fun and tell them how you used to have the same problem.

Now add some more selling techniques

Using effective sales presentation training to eliminate irritators will improve the communication of the message and help keep the attention of the customer. When sellers learn sales skills the effects stack up on each other. Once the irritator habit has been stopped, you can start looking for more sales techniques to improve the sales presentation. As more selling techniques are learned and put into action the effects will compound and sales results, and rewards, will multiply.

I'm Stephen Craine and I earn my living by managing successful sales teams. The sales presentation training above comes from the training I give to my teams. My income, my job, and the success of my teams, rely on the results we achieve, so we only use what works. You can see more sales training on my website by opening

If you like the training you've seen so far you can get a free sales training course and try it out for yourself. There's no catch, no registering or submitting your email address, just click on the link and it will take you to the page where you can open the training course. To see the course open You can use it, save it, and even pass it on to others. Try it out and let me know how you get on.

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Sales Presentation Training on How to Increase Sales Using Features and Benefits Effectively

When I'm presenting sales presentation training I'm amazed at how many people can't use features and benefits effectively. With sales training to understand real features and benefits they can quickly see how to increase sales and make more money.  If you are one of the people that don't understand how to use features and benefits, then that's great news. It's great because you can expect a big increase in your results when you add this sales presentation training to your sales skills. It gets to the very core of why people buy, and that they want the benefits of the product or service, not the features.

Definition of Features and Benefits   So let's start with a working definition of both features and benefits: A Feature is what the product or service does, how it works, what it looks like, the mechanics of it. A Benefit is what the features do for the customer. A feature of this sales presentation training is the information it will give you to add to your sales skills. A benefit of that feature is the extra income you can earn as a result of the additional sales you will close. Every feature can have lots of benefits. Many features can have the same benefits. The information you'll find on this page is a feature. The benefits are endless and they all result in you gaining something.

How to increase sales using features and benefits   At some point in your sales process you ask the customer some questions to establish what they want. These wants are usually expressed by the customers as benefits. Saving money, feeling safe, and looking good, are all examples of benefits. None of these are features. In your sales presentation your aim is to present a sales proposal that gives the customer what they want. What they want are the benefits, not the features. The features are just the tools that supply the benefits.   If a customer wants a car that is cheap to run they don't want a boring sales presentation on the technical features of the engine and its fuel consumption. They want a presentation on the benefits, and in this example that is how it saves them dollars. Yes, you will include some features of the fuel economy system in your sales presentation, but only the few that are directly related to the main sales benefit that you are presenting. Focus on the benefit of cost effective motoring and only use the features of the car to support how the benefit is delivered.   This sales training can be just a simple change of your viewpoint on features and benefits. Many sales people are experts on the features of their product, and we all like talking about topics we are experts on. The benefits customers want can be unique to each individual and not as easy for sales people to talk about. This is where sales presentation training is important. To learn how to increase sales with a great presentation you must learn how to focus on the benefits not the features.  

A quick sales presentation training technique   Try this quick sales presentation training technique and see if you understand the relationship between the buyer's needs, the product features, and the sales benefits.   Choose a common need or want that your customers express when you are selling to them. Now select the feature or features of your product that can give them that what they want. When I'm giving sales presentation training it's at this point that the delegates start presenting. Don't, you will only be presenting features and that's not what the buyer wants to hear. Add another link to the chain and now select the benefits of those features that will match the buyer's needs and wants. This is how to increase sales when presenting.   It may sound something like this: You said; saving money, compared to what you currently pay out for fuel each month, was important to you. (Customer want) This car has the latest fuel saving technology that will give you 60 miles to the gallon around town. (Feature) That means you will fill up once every ten days instead of once a week as you currently do. So let's look at what you'll save over a typical year. (Benefit)   Add some agreement gaining at the right places and you've got the bases of a great sales presentation, with effective use of sales training on features and benefits. Sales presentation training is all about showing the customer a sales proposal with benefits that match their wants.  It's an important part of your selling process, and investing in more of these sales skills is how to increase sales and make more money.

I'm Stephen Craine, a working sales manager and trainer. The sales presentation training above comes from the training and coaching I give to my working sales teams. We rely on these sales skills to achieve targets and keep our jobs. This is not classroom training that only works in role play situations, this is real sales training developed in live sales situations with real customers. You can see more sales presentation training on my website at

The website is packed with free sales training, sales tips, and if you really want to know how to increase sales there are workbook training courses you can download and start using today. To visit the site and click around the pages, open and get real sales training proven by working sales professionals.

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Sun Tzu and the Art of Sales Leadership

As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you have planned to fail. This is especially true for sales leaders who are looking to boost performances of their sales teams.

While most sales managers do implement some level of planning, most of such planning involve the day-to-day scheduling of meeting customers (i.e. the sales activities) so as to achieve the numbers. There is little or no planning, in many cases, in the areas of strategizing, competitive analysis, leadership and skills upgrading of their respective sales teams.

To achieve better sales performances, Sun Tzu offer some insights on how we can plan better to become effective leaders for our teams. After all, if today's business is akin to war, then there's much we can learn from the Art of War.

The Elements of Strategy

Long before we have strategic planning tools such as PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis or SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, Sun Tzu had devised 5 elements in strategic planning that helped many generals to gain victories in battles. These are:

* The Way (or Vision)

* The Climate

* The Ground

* The Leadership

* The Methods

These 5 elements can be adapted into today's business environment, and can also incorporate modern strategic planning tools such as the PEST and SWOT analysis.

In ancient times, going to war is risky business - you risk losing your lives, and those of your loved ones, along with your properties and resources. It may be easy to coerce some peasants to form an army for you to conquer foreign lands. However, the best armies are those with soldiers and generals who are committed to the Way (or Vision or Goal in today's terminology). If the goals of the rulers (or management) and the objectives of the soldiers (or sales people) are aligned, you win.

Hence, as a sales leader or manager, you may have to communicate your expectations and align your goals with your sales teams frequently to make sure everybody is moving in the same direction (the same Way). Many a time, companies experience high staff turnover in the sales force largely due to sales staff NOT buying into management's vision and goals. And in most cases, this was caused by sales leaders not communicating their vision and goals to their team enough.

It is insufficient to just have a common goal to win battles and improve performances. You will also have to be aware of your surrounding environment. Sun Tzu categorized the environment into the Climate and the Ground.

While the Climate in ancient times mean just the weather, the Climate in today's business terms can also mean the economic climate, market trends and technological improvements. It is important that sales leaders take into account of the Climate when setting sales targets such that targets are set high in good times, and then can be adjusted when times are bad. Sales leaders will also have to identify emerging trends to capitalize on market opportunities.

The Ground in ancient times mean the terrain of which armies will travel upon. For today's businesses, the Ground means all that is happening on the ground, in the market place. This includes specific customer behaviors and responses, pressure from competition, our strengths and weaknesses with responding to such situations. When sales leaders understand the Ground, they can provide adequate coaching and mentoring to their teams, and guide them to greater successes.

The Qualities of a Leader

Sun Tzu also provided a set of qualities that leaders should have. These are:

1. Intelligence

2. Trust

3. Compassion

4. Courage

5. Discipline

According to HR Chally, the 2 aspects of intelligence that a sales leader should have are:

* Analytical intelligence; and

* Practical intelligence

Analytical intelligence refers to how a sales leader can analyze issues ranging from market trends to individual sales situations, and then formulate strategies to overcome challenges. Practical intelligence refers to how the sales leader can apply concepts learned from other fields and industries onto their sales teams to generate better results. Both aspects of intelligence are critical in enabling the sales leader to plan ahead and beat competitive pressures. Sales leaders will have to balance the discipline of getting things done with the creativity to think out-of-the-box to beat the competition.

Sun Tzu mentioned that winning armies have capable generals whose actions their lords (their bosses) don't interfere with. This applies to the sales leaders' bosses, just as it applies to how sales leaders treat their subordinates as well. In most cases, the reason that sales leaders are not able to empower their team members to perform their best independently are due to a lack of clear expectations. That is to say, many sales leaders don't communicate their expectations with their team members clearly enough, and hence team members don't really know what the sales leaders want. As a result, sales leaders will have to constantly monitor and control team members, giving team members an impression that their leaders don't trust them. If team members don't feel they are trusted, they will not perform at their best.

Having compassion doesn't mean being "nice". Rather, it means how the sales leader sincerely has the interests of the team member at heart, and works hard to help the team member achieve her full potential. Being "nice" may mean giving the team member better leads or preferential treatment. At best, this may be just giving the team member the "fish", rather than teaching her "how to fish". In worse situations, this may lead to favoritism, and may divide rather than unite your team. Team members may thus lose their trust in you as a leader.

However, if you are driving you team to greater performances, you are developing them to be better sales people. While this means that you will achieve better sales performances, it also means that each team member will become better sales people in their own right.

In war, generals need courage to face surmounting adversity. The same applies to today's sales leaders. If the sales leader does not show confidence and self-belief in face of tough challenges, the team will easily lose their morale.

Courage also means making tough or unpopular decisions. Many sales leaders are afraid to take corrective actions against their top sales people, fearing that these top sales people may bring their customers to a competitor. In doing so, other sales people will feel they have been unfairly treated, and will lose their trust as respect in you as their leader.

Finally, discipline is NOT always about catching what your team members have done wrong. It is just as important, if not more important, to give recognition and sincere praises when your team have perform to expectations too. In fact, the focus of "discipline" isn't so much about avoiding mistakes, but rather it's about achieving optimal performances.

Being Accountable as a Leader

When a sales team is not achieving its targets, chances are some members of the team will be fired to make room for new and hopefully better performing sales people.

However, in sports (especially in team sports such as football or basketball), if the team is not performing well, the manager or coach gets fired first! In ancient times, when an army loses a battle, the general might be executed too.

While it is easy to blame a few non-performing team members for not performing to expectations, the leader has a great amount of influence over the team that may well determine the success or failure of the team. In short, just like in ancient times, sales leaders must be held accountable for their teams' performances. That should be one of the disciplines that a sales leader must have.

To paraphrase how Sun Tzu's core beliefs about war can be applied to business, here's the modern-day version:

"Sales... ...the lifeblood of a company, a matter of 'life and death', survival or extinction. Indeed, something that needs to be studied, applied and re-modified consistently"

C.J. is the trusted sales advisor who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. So far, c.j. has helped:

* A leading international hotel to produce the equivalent of an additional 5,000 room nights in China in the lull summer months of 2007 * A global leading architectural hardware company to increase the sales revenue of a key account in Shanghai by 10 times within 3 weeks * The world leader in PC sales to transform their sales force to be more collaborative and solution-focused, and helping them to regain worldwide pole position from their nearest competitor.

Prior to this, C.J. was Asia Marketing Manager for a Fortune 500 logistics company, as well as Corporate Training Manager for Ringier AG, Switzerland's largest media group, in China, where he was responsible for sales team development, and helped increase the percentage of new hires to close their first sales within 2 months by 30%, as well as increase overall sales targets by more than 50%. Visit for more details.

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3 Ways to Create Elite Sales Cultures

What is the similarity between a fighter pilot, neurosurgeon, navy SEAL, trial lawyer and a marine? The professions are regarded by many people as elite professions that have high barriers for entry and retention. Despite the barriers, these professions continue to attract candidates year after year that want to break through those barriers. Wouldn't it be interesting to apply the same tactics and strategies used in creating elite professions to creating elite sales teams? No need to reinvent the wheel, just use some of the wheels already in existence with these professions.

Strategy #1: Raise the barrier for entrance and retention.

A neurosurgeon and attorney attend between six and sixteen years of school. A Navy SEAL must live through 'hell week' and a marine must pass boot camp. Is it difficult to get a job on your sales team or is it just a matter of passing a couple of interviews and building rapport? Is it difficult to stay on your sales team? Competitive and sharp people don't want to be part of a team that qualifies just anyone to join and stay. They want to be part of an elite team where everyone knows that the membership dues are high and difficult.

Mediocrity never attracts excellence. That's why top producers join and stay with teams where the barrier to entry is high, not low. James Murphy, CEO of AfterBurner, owns a training firm comprised of fighter pilots. His organization teaches companies how to apply the same processes used in developing fighter pilots to improving processes in their corporation. In a recent conversation, James shared that the biggest challenge in working with corporations is getting them to raise the standards of excellence. Companies worry that by raising the bar, they will lose people; and they are right. They WILL lose people....average people. This opens the door to creating a 'top gun' culture which guessed it, 'top guns.'

Strategy #2: Train your team to be the best.

Dan Carrison and Rod Walsh are the authors of "Semper Fi" - a business book based on principles learned while both men were enlisted in the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps are highly trained fighting units and are usually the first sent into battle. The marines want you thinking like a marine and cannot afford someone in battle that does not know how to respond under fire. They drill their mission, values and tactics into recruits 24 hours a day. As part of boot camp, a drill sergeant will stop a private and ask them to recite, on the spot, one of a hundred phrases that are expected to be memorized from the marine guide book. Sales organizations can learn from the marines. How many sales managers can walk up to a member of their sales team and ask them to state the core values of the company or the company's value proposition?

Try this 'sales marine' pop quiz at your company:

o Private, give me your 30 second commercial.

o Private, throw out the number one objection heard in our business and the appropriate response.

o Private, what are the core values of this company?

o Private, who are your top ten targets for the year?

o Private, who are your top ten clients and how are you servicing them?

'Sales soldiers' are sent out everyday without the proper equipment or training, and as a result, turnover increases, sales are lost, and motivation decreases.

Strategy #3: Raise and recognize.

Once a person is qualified to join an elite organization, the organization continues to raise the bar for excellence and recognize individuals that continue to excel. Elite sales organizations create this environment by:

o Creating special clubs that reward more than hitting a sales goal. Entry into the club might be a combination of achieving the sales goal, cross selling for another division, customer satisfaction scores, and customer retention ratios. The 'top gun' salesperson is interested in club memberships that exclude the average and reward the elite.

o Public recognition is important in building elite sales teams. Many men do not like jewelry; however, it is a good bet that most men are willing to wear a Super Bowl ring. Award jackets, pendants and rings are just a few symbols of recognition. The item is not as important as the recognition of what the symbol represents - that symbol should represent that this individual is a member of an elite club.

On a final note, don't confuse elitism with snobbery or pretense. Members of elite groups are often grounded and confident. Individuals gain these attributes by succeeding where it is difficult to succeed.

Colleen Stanley is the founder and president of SalesLeadership, Inc., a sales strategy firm that drives revenues by examining all areas of sales to properly diagnose missed sales goals or slow growth. She created the EI Selling System?, a unique and powerful sales program that integrates emotional intelligence skills with consultative sales skills. SalesLeadership's team of experts focuses on small to mid-size companies that need to increase sales and desire to decrease the gimmicks and game playing that often occur during the sales process.

Colleen is a monthly columnist for national Business Journals, co-author of 'Motivational Selling' and author of 'Growing Great Sales Teams: Lessons from the Cornfield.' Colleen was the featured speaker on sales for the 2006 New York Times Small Business Summit. Prior to starting SalesLeadership, Colleen was vice president of sales and marketing for Varsity Spirit Corporation. During her 10 years at Varsity, sales increased from 8M to 90M.

Training and consulting services offered are:
? Benchmarking, Selection and hiring of Top Sales Talent
? Consultative Sales Training
? Leadership Training for Sales Managers
? Sales Presentation Skills
? Negotiation Skills
? Major Account Sales
? Prospecting and Referral Training
? Sales Compensation
? Territory Management
? Customer Relationship Management

? Professional Behaviors Analyst
? Professional Values Analyst
? Professional TriMetrix Analyst
? BarOn Emotional Intelligence Quotient? Inventory Analyst
? Sales Call Reluctance Analyst

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Making a Sales Business Plan - Get the Key Success Factor

I recently reviewed my sales business plan and assessed what strategies were bringing in the business sales and which ones were not. While in the middle of the assessment I happened per chance to stumble across a guy who redefined for me the term sales. To say the least it turned my thinking around and kicked me into high gear.  When I went back to my sales business plan I reoriented the strategies around this new key understanding.

We've all heard it said that when it comes to sales you should be in the seat of your customer and think in terms of their view rather than what you want to say.

We've all heard of the term new sales now, which is rather old, infact about 15 years old now. New sales takes the sales out of selling and puts the understanding and helping into the sales process. So what we do now when we sell is come from the perspective of the customer and help them make a decision rather than sell directly to them.

So that's the sales process. What about this key then that turns your sales business plan into something live rather than something the sales agent ends up wearing out through the hard sell? How is it that this new perspective changes the way we look at business planning particularly the sales and marketing aspect of it? Most people don't even include a sales plan in their business strategies. In fact most business plans stop at marketing thinking that sales is covered. Yet the number one reason small businesses struggle is "not enough business sales".

As business people large or small we need to consider carefully this aspect of our business plan and actually have a section dedicated to the sales business plan. To do that we best understand this key, get our head around this simply idea. That is to redefine what sales means. If you don't understand the term how can you use it least of all master it and even plan accurately for success without it?

Traditionally the word sales has meant:  the total dollar amount collected for goods or services provided; the exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent; the act of selling.  In short sales has meant money, exchange and hard sale. Small wonder sales agents have to work hard. With this concept it also makes it difficult to implement a successful sales business plan because you, as a business owner can't control any of those process and guarantee business sales.

How can you plan for cash if you can't control the process? You can't coerce cash out of someone for too long without gaining a barracuda reputation. Exchange is hardly sales because you haven't made on the deal by much as you've lost something that cost you money to gain something. Hopefully you made enough of a profit to cover your costs and grow. For many this is not the case. The act of selling has no control what so ever and dependent on the good will of the person selling.

What if we were to understand sales from this new perspective, according to the man who opened my eyes, sales would be redefined as choice plus yes.  If your customer doesn't say yes you have no sale. Customers don't like being bullied into or being sold to especially if it's something they don't want. Every customer wants choice. If you don't offer your customer choice its a monopoly not a sale.

Nowhere is this more successfully demonstrated than with infomercials.  They are very clever in their offers. There are two options in any sales transaction. Either the choice between two products or add -ons for acting fast or the choice between winning a good deal and losing out.

So I applied this new found knowledge to my actual sales business plan and looked at the strategies I had in place. I changed one thing - the actual communication message itself. One thing from this new perspective and my entire sales business plan came to life and a month later I can see the increase in business sales because of it.

So as you look at your sales business plan or think of adding sales to your existing business plan ask yourself "What choice are you giving your customers?" "Can you offer a choice between products or successfully communicate win/loose as a choice?" Is the pain of not having your product or service greater than the pain of paying for the product or service? All customers perceive loss when they hand over their money unless you can successfully communicate to them the gain. And that's the key you want to apply to increase your business sales. So make sure you reorient your sales business plan to include the is communication message and then strategize on how you are going to communicate it.

Janet Jeffrey's is a small business owner having had several businesses in her career over a wide variety of industry's from health and beauty to internet sales and marketing. She has put together a number of writers to help small business owners, particularly women in business at

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Sales Management Credibility - Building Respect As a Motivational Sales Manager

Many sales managers tell me that their salespeople don't meet their expectations. The sales manager pleads, begs and even threatens, but the salesperson just goes through the motions of selling and following through on proposals and sales calls. He or she never really engages in their jobs or careers. The sales manager simply doesn't inspire confidence, credibility or have a firm grip on the performance of their sales team.

I could give you a long list of reasons why sales managers lack respect from their sales team and why their credibility is shot. However, I want to focus on the one problem that I see quite often. The quickest way for a sales manager to lose credibility with their sales team members is their lack of taking decisive action when dealing with poor sales performers.

Too many sales managers, for myriad reasons, fail to address the issues associated with a poor sales performer. They talk about them with other people or managers. They listen to excuses month after month. The sales manager may think changing the salesperson's compensation plan might help or even providing a new territory or product will fix the problem.

Instead, what really happens is the salesperson in questions monopolizes the sales manager's time and energy while the other salespeople shake their heads and shrug their shoulders each night as they go home and download to their spouse. They can't figure out why their co-worker isn't pulling his or her own weight and why the sales manager isn't doing anything about it.

Allowing poor performers to hang out too long simply reinforces poor performance. If no accountability is in place, then why should the poor sales performer step up and make an effort? Empty promises and hollow threats from the sales manager don't mean a thing. The salesperson still collects a paycheck and the rest of the team gets more and more frustrated with the lack of decisive action.

If you have a salesperson that isn't performing, it's your responsibility to take action to find out why and work to resolve it.

Here are just a few reasons why your salesperson is not performing:

Insufficient product training
Lack of effective sales training
Micromanaging sales manager
Lack of leadership in the company
Poor sales hire - they're not "wired" for the job
You inherited a poor sales performer when you started as sales manager
And many, many more...

I'm an advocate for always attempting to first find the source of the lackluster performance and fixing it, if possible. However, if you haven't discovered it through diligent analysis, then your options are reduced to either moving the salesperson to another position in the company or removing them completely.

In either case, your attention to this serious problem is desperately needed on the part of the sales team. It cannot function as a sales team unless you build the confidence of the members that you're right for the job. You must prove that you will make decisions that are in the best interest of the team and have a strong desire to create an environment of success for everyone.

Remember, the viability of your sales team rests on your shoulders. Don't let them down.

Barrett Riddleberger is an internationally recognized leader in the fields of sales skills assessments, custom custom sales training, sales recruitment and sales consulting. He also is founder of Resolution Systems Inc., a strategic sales consulting firm. His book, "Blueprint of a Sales Champion," details how organizations can find, train and retain top performing salespeople... even in a highly competitive market. An accomplished author and sales consultant, Riddleberger is also highly in demand as a business development and motivational speaker for organizations seeking to drive their sales force to greater levels of performance. For more info visit or call 866.350.4457.

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Telephone Sales Tips to Stop Those Early Sales Objections on Telesales and Sales Appointment Calls

Telephone sales tips can stop your sales appointment and telesales calls being stopped early by sales objections from the prospect. You can avoid those early illogical objections that prevent you from gaining the appointment or sale. The early call stoppers are usually, I'm not interested, not thinking of buying, or a, no thanks don't want anything. Don't you feel like asking the prospect what it is they are not interested in as they don't know why you are calling yet? If you could stop these objections from happening how many more appointments or sales would you make, and how much more money would you earn? Many of the objections and negative responses that stop your call will be caused by the prospect thinking they are receiving a sales call. They see a sales call as something that benefits the caller not them. They think that you want to make a sale or a sales appointment, and that is going to cost them something.  They perceive your call as a typical win for you and a loss to them. Whether it's their money or their time you are trying to gain it is still seen as a loss to them.

Telephone sales tips to stop these call stoppers, and inoculate your telesales calls against them, are based on disguising your real reason for calling and your title or position. The idea is to stop the prospect perceiving your call as a telesales or sales appointment call. So in the introduction stage of the call you do not introduce yourself as a sales representative, a sales appointment maker, or a sales assistant. You don't give your reason for calling as wanting to make a sales appointment or to tell the prospect about the products you are selling. This will stop the reflex and illogical sales call objections that stop your calls in their early stages.

To get the best from these telephone sales tips you want to find a really positive reason for your call. A great reason is one that is viewed as positive from the prospect's point of view. Where possible change your introduction stage of your call and give something to the prospect. This could be: a free sample to try, a trial of your service, a real way to save money or gain money, or some other real benefit for the prospect. Take some time and look for how you could give a reason for calling that will benefit the listener. You could include a survey in return for a free sample. This give you a chance to ask some sales questions that will help you qualify the prospect as someone that could you could sell to.

To add to the customer benefit image you want your telesales or sales appointment call to project, give yourself a new title. Use these telephone sales tips and choose a title or position for yourself that sounds like it could be a benefit for the prospect. You want to disguise the fact that you are a sales person or an appointment maker. Think about what you could be, or what you could tell the prospect you are, that would grab their attention and keep them listening. Product development manager sounds good if used with a free trial and a call back after they have used the product to get feedback, and then try and sell to them. Customer care sounds better than sales executive. Avoid marketing, sales, or appointment in your title. Give these ideas some consideration and see what you can come up with. Then the most important part of these telephone sales tips is to take some action and use them.

I'm Stephen Craine a working sales manager and trainer. There are very effective and ethical ways to disguise your sales and appointment calls and make them appear more beneficial to the prospect. You can see free sales training and ideas on how to put this sales and appointment call training into action at Telephone Sales Skills You can add these sales skills to the other training available on my website. There are free sales training courses and pages with sales tips and ideas on all aspects of the sales process. Star at the home page and have a click around the free sales workbook courses at

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Effective Selling Management - The Top Six Reasons Sales Managers Fail Their Sales Teams

I've mentioned this many times. The job of a sales manager is one of the toughest occupations in the world. Just as with any job, part of success is skill and knowledge and part of it is the internal components of the individual.

Effective sales managers do well for many different reasons; likewise, unsuccessful sales managers fail for many different reasons. If you are a sales manager or VP, ask yourself if any of these issues have ever caused problems for you or others you know.

Failure #1: The Sales manager is not wired for the job. As you will find out, there is a formula for determining a salesperson's capacity to perform.

There's no difference with sales managers. Many ineffective sales managers come from the ranks of the sales team. Often, they were excellent salespeople who were moved up based on the presumption that if they were good at sales, they'll be good at sales management. Not so.

The skill sets and internal wiring are completely different for the two professions. When a sales manager doesn't have the capacity to perform in that role, he will fail (and many times bring the organization down with him.)

Failure #2: A good candidate for a sales management position rarely gets the chance. Poor performance in a sales role becomes a stumbling block for advancement.

Unfortunately, many of the best sales managers were, at best, mediocre salespeople. Consider some of the most successful NFL coaches. Many of them were very marginal players or never played the game at all.

They had a greater capacity to coach, communicate their vision, and lead the team than to participate on the field as a star player. Any sales organization that hires a manager largely on past performance in sales may miss out on a great sales leader.

Failure #3: The manager lacks a foundation of effective sales training. Place anyone in any position and give them no training, and what do you have? You get an employee who stays in a constant state of frustration.

Some managers don't instinctively know how to fulfill the role. They must be given the training and resources to understand and recognize what each individual salesperson needs to help them be successful.

A sales manager who has very little dedicated training will significantly hamper the ability of the salespeople to do their jobs and reduce the organization's competitive edge.

Failure #4: Lack of an effective selling system.

Football teams don't go out on the field without a clearly designed play to run. Without a selling system every salesperson knows and follows, the salespeople will make it up as they attempt to move through the sales process. There's no repeatable formula for success. Sometimes they get the sale, sometimes they don't. Unfortunately, there's no way to determine why they did or didn't get the sale, and then coaching becomes a difficult task.

When the manager doesn't provide the sales team with a clearly defined selling system, the players will squander opportunities your competitors will get.

Failure #5: Lack of an effective hiring process. Gut feelings and speculation in the selection process will limit your ability to make the right choice. Just like having a selling system for your sales team to follow is important, so is utilizing an effective hiring system.

We provide in-depth assessment tools and experienced analysis of the results to help you acquire the best sales talent possible.

Remember, it's the sales managers responsibility to make the right judgments about hiring new salespeople. And without a defined process utilizing objective measurements, hiring decisions can end up being a toss-up.

Failure #6 - Lack the understanding of the concept of coaching. If a sales manager sees himself as strictly a manager, he can easily be driven by the administrative functions of the job: administration, spreadsheets, operational issues, etc.

A selling coach, or sales coach, on the other hand, works with the salespeople to develop them in individual areas, strategizes with them on difficult deals, holds them accountable for their results, provides feedback on performance issues, as well as course corrects before the month is over to help prevent sales failure.

I'll say it again. Sales management is a tough job. Invest the time and energy in the right tools for the job: effective sales management training, a proven and reliable salesperson hiring process or assessment, and a powerful selling system, and you can reap the rewards of a successful sales team.

Barrett Riddleberger is an internationally recognized leader in the fields of sales assessment, custom sales training and sales recruitment, as well as a successful and results-driven sales consultant. He also is founder of Resolution Systems Inc., a strategic sales consulting firm. His book, "Blueprint of a Sales Champion," details how organizations can find, train and retain top performing salespeople... even in a highly competitive market. An accomplished author and sales consultant, Riddleberger is also highly in demand as a business development and motivational speaker for organizations seeking to drive their sales force to greater levels of performance. For more info visit or call 866.350.4457.

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Choosing a Sales Training Program - Finding the Right Training Program For Your Sales Trainees

In the competitive marketplace that we live in today, differentiation many times comes simply from the quality of salespeople on the street. How effectively they present themselves, build value, drive the sales process and meet and exceed their customer expectations can be the difference between getting a sale and failing. Training should be a vital part of your Sales Management philosophy. However, I find that there are misconceptions about what sales training can and cannot do. Many Sales Managers believe that sales training is the answer to their problems - train my salespeople and they should sell better. I understand that logic considering the investment many make in these programs - facilities, trainers, materials, lost sales opportunities while salespeople are in the program, travel expenses, etc. These costs can surely add up. The expectation that there will be an immediate ROI can leave some weary of making such an investment.

Here are several ideas to keep in mind as you consider investing in a sales training program.

Personalization - Generic training is not as effective as personalized training. The salesperson must understand how they perceive and engage the consultative sales process. Their "uniqueness" as a salesperson must be infused into the sales training in order to make it real to them. If your salespeople have to make a mental leap in attempting to connect with the material, then there's a good chance they won't learn it or apply it at all. That's too costly for you as a Sales Manager and your company. Find out if the program provides in-depth, personalized assessment tools that provide personal feedback about the salesperson inside of the sales process. Also, find out if they can customize the course material to your specific industry, company, language and culture. This will connect the salesperson to the training material and help them understand their strengths and areas of development much better.

Reinforcement - If the training is not reinforced, the learning is lost. Be sure the program you select has sufficient tools and resources to keep the content of the sales process in front of your salespeople consistently over a long period of time. The training concepts must be transferred from the salespersons short-term memory into their long-term memory. The internet, along with a variety of digital learning tools, makes reinforcement much easier today. Check out the reinforcement tools built into the program - if they're lacking, or flat out don't exist, move on.

Coach Salespeople After the Training - After the training program ends, the real work begins. As a Sales Manager, you're also a "coach". Part of your responsibility is phone or field observation. Are your salespeople applying the knowledge learned during the sales training program? Are they using it correctly? What do they do well? What do they need to improve? What action steps will you take to help them? Keep in mind that a good training program will not attempt to turn you, the Sales Manger, into a sales trainer. That's not really your job. However, you should make it a part of your weekly objectives to observe and "course correct" each of your salespeople in alignment with your new sales methodology.

Hold Salespeople Accountable for the Training - Finally, a good sales training program should offer you the tools for accountability. What if your salespeople don't learn the material? What happens if they don't apply it? How should you respond? Likewise, what rewards should your salespeople expect for going through a training curriculum that requires more time and energy from them? Testing and measurement are excellent ways to determine if what was taught was retained. Observation enables you to actually see their learning in action. In either case, formal accountability plays a vital part in your Sales Manager role.

There are many other factors to consider when assessing a sales training company to train your salespeople. Consider the costs and the realistic expectations you have associated with the training. Determine what will work best for you and make the investment. Remember, regular sales training and daily sales coaching should be part of your competitive strategy to help your company grow. I hope these ideas help you make that happen.

Barrett Riddleberger is an internationally recognized leader in the fields of sales assessments, customized sales training, sales recruitment and sales consulting. He also is founder of Resolution Systems Inc., a strategic sales consulting firm. His book, "Blueprint of a Sales Champion," details how organizations can find, train and retain top performing salespeople... even in a highly competitive market. An accomplished author and sales consultant, Riddleberger is also highly in demand as a business development and motivational speaker for organizations seeking to drive their sales force to greater levels of performance. For more info visit or call 866.350.4457.

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Mind Games and Money Making Tricks Used by Sales People When Influencing Customers to Buy

Mind games, money making tricks, and unethical selling techniques, are still used by many sales people despite being bad business practices. I've listed below some of the common tricks sales people use when influencing customers to buy from them. They are used by large and small business sales operations and can bring down or give a bad reputation to not just a company but a whole industry. Look at what happened with the vacation time share and holiday club marketplace. A whole industry tainted by a few companies using questionable sales techniques that were at best unethical and at worst illegal.

You can't build a long term large or small business sales enterprise based on money making scams. A successful sales operation should be built on relationships with your customers, repeat business, and customer referrals. Not one-off sales made with false claims and sales tricks to close the deal. So here are some examples of the sales mind games and influencing techniques that you should avoid.

Lying about who you work for

This is a common sales scam to gain a sales appointment with a prospect and to manipulate the buyer and close the sale. It was used by agency sales people trying to convert domestic power customers away from their existing supplier. In the UK they would start the conversation by saying they were from British Gas and were helping people find the best package for their gas and electric supply. This was to get them through the door and gave them some credibility. They felt it was more productive than saying they were from a competing company and were trying to get the customer to change.

There were cases reported in the media where elderly and vulnerable people were left totally confused. Some had signed contracts without reading them because the nice sales person said they needed a signature just to say they had called and completed the interview. Only when they received notification some time later that their power supply had been cancelled and was changing to a new supplier did they realize something was wrong. By that time the sales person had spent their commission and had moved on to the next money making scam. The power companies received bad publicity and lost trust and credibility.

False referrals

This sales scam is being used at the moment by off shore telesales and telemarketing companies offering to resolve all your outstanding debt problems. The reason they are giving for calling is that you have outstanding debts. This is a pure guess and in the current economic climate many people they phone will have debt problems. Some even claim to be calling you because your bank has contacted them. They ask who you bank with as a security question and then confirm that you answered correctly. Imagine a person receiving the call that has real debt problems. They think their bank has asked these people to call. All kind of thoughts will run through their mind, which is exactly the way this sales mind control trick works. They have a prospect at the end of the line that is now either panicking or thinks the sales caller has the credibility of their bank behind them. When the credit crunch eases and debt is no longer a hot prospect area, the off shore money making scams will move on to the next short term money maker.

My manager wants to know what I did wrong

Another bad business practice that some direct sales operations use is the manager feedback call. The sale person has presented their product and tried to close the sale, but the prospect has not agreed to buy from them. After several attempts to get the sale the sales person appears to have given up and the prospect relaxes and drops their guard. The seller then asks if they can use the phone and call their manager as he cares about customers and wants feedback on what the salesperson has done.

After a short conversation the sales person hands the phone to the prospect saying their manager would like a quick word and some feedback on how the sales person presented the product. The sales trick then used is for the manager to try and close the sale. One way is to ask what the seller would have needed to do to close the deal. The answer is then used to come back with another proposal. There are variations on this scam such as the sales person being reprimanded in earshot of the prospect in order to create sympathy from the prospect. Another way is for the manager to use his power to get the prospect a special deal, but only if they agree to the sales today.

These mind games and scams have been used in some industries for many years and the same ones are still around today. I often invite sales callers in just to see their strategies. I recently agreed to a sales appointment for double glazing. The presentation was very poor and objection handling came down to one stock answer, which was to offer a lower price with guaranteed credit if I signed today. After several attempts to close me the seller reached for his phone and called his manager. The manager asked how much I had been quoted and I answered. He said that was far too much and the sales person was new to the company and had given me the wrong price. That's strange I said, only a moment ago he was telling me what a great company you were and how he had worked for you for over twenty years so he knew all about the great products. There was a silence that I wasn't going to break. The salesman, sat in my living, room was going red with embarrassment. The manager at the end of the line couldn't come up with anything better than he was getting his staff mixed up.

Is it any wonder the double glazing market suffers from a reputation for poor sales ethics when these sales techniques are used? There are many very reputable companies in all direct sales markets, but many have to overcome the credibility issues created by a small minority that are more focused on money making scams than they are on providing a great service that will gain them repeat business and stacks of referrals.

I'm Stephen Craine a working sales manager and trainer. There are very effective and ethical ways to disguise your sales and appointment calls and make them appear more beneficial to the prospect. Using these techniques will increase your results while maintaining and even improving your credibility. You can see free sales training and ideas on how to put this into action at Telephone Sales Skills to make your call customer friendly. You can add these sales skills to the other training available on my website. There are free sales training courses and pages with sales tips and ideas on all aspects of the sales process. Start at the home page and have a click around the free sales workbook courses at

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Sales Coaching For Entrepreneurs

Coaching sales staff members on consultative selling methods

To establish a strong administrative system based on a "coaching culture" can help build a more successful practice.

Coaching staff members on consultative selling methods, then establishing a strong administrative system based on a "coaching culture" can help build a more successful practice.

Coaching-from sports to business management-is recognized as one of a manager's most important activities along with recruiting, motivating, and assigning accountability. In order to help people capitalize on their strengths and overcome personal obstacles to attain their next level of expertise, a coach must focus on high return on investment (ROI) skills, implement a strong selling system, understand the hand you've been dealt, and track metrics.

This article examines deterrents to coaching and de-mystifies the process by providing ideas and tools that help create a coaching culture for generating a high ROI. In Rethinking the Sales Force, Neil Rackham & John deVincentis note, "Studies of high-performance consultative sales forces consistently show that systematic high-quality coaching is the most important single tool for developing performance."

When to Coach Your Sales Team

High-performance business managers crave high-performance staff members. But when should you put on your coach's hat? While the vast majority of people need some form of coaching, a person involved in the dispensing of hearing aids is sending a strong signal when he/she:

o Always asks for "special" low pricing;

o Lacks motivation and drive;

o Lacks confidence and has difficulty recovering from rejection;

o Continually accepts stalls and put-offs;

o Finds it impossible to recommend top-of-the-line products.

Of course, these are only a few examples from an extensive list. But even if you notice only a few of these signals, keep in mind that increased product "commoditization" makes staff members a critical point of differentiation-your company's competitive edge. If you accept this proposition, then coaching takes on the utmost importance.

Why Not Coach a Sales Team?

Considering the positive results derived from effective coaching, why does coaching often get overlooked?

Lack of experience. Many managers don't know how to coach in a consultative-selling environment. First of all, they may not have been coached in it, or perhaps they experienced previous success in a more clinical or transactional environment (e.g., they did the testing and diagnostics, and the fitting, counseling, and aural rehabilitation process was left to another professional). Consultative selling is very different from a transactional sale; it requires management's involvement beyond hiring professionals who "know it all." In today's business world, change is constant and staff members need to be strategically and tactically "on board." Entrepreneurs need to learn how to coach their personnel on the effective counseling and dispensing related to appropriate products/services.

Lack of training. In other businesses, many sales managers are promoted because they were naturally talented, top sales performers. In a hearing care office that requires consultative selling skills, however, these complex "people-oriented" skills must be learned. Without appropriate training in how to coach, entrepreneurs too often play the role of the "white knight" rescuing the deal. They simply can't see themselves as a developer of sales people who consistently outperform their manager. Frequently, these same business managers are frustrated by a staff member's inability to produce the results they are accustomed to generating themselves.

Lack of understanding. Business managers who assume their coaching is done when they point out to their staff areas for improvement have an overly simplistic view of this skill. They don't understand that the process for delivering long-term behavior change should include an awareness of the skill gap, knowledge, application, reinforcement, and accountability.

At a recent national conference for sales managers, I asked the question, "Why don't you invest time in coaching your sales people?" Their responses demonstrated a general lack of understanding about the coaching process, skills and potential ROI:

o I don't like listening to their complaining.

o I'm busy taking care of my own accounts.

o They'll come to me when they need my help.

o That rep is so stuck in his ways, he'll never change.

o I'm too busy going to management meetings.

o I don't know where to begin.

o I'm so busy with day-to-day issues.

Creating a Sales Coaching Culture

Here are some practical ideas for developing a coaching culture:

Focus on high ROI skills and beliefs. How does a business manager know where to focus their coaching effort to maximize performance? Start with an assessment tool that provides objective information about the "selling" beliefs of the staff member. This information is a reliable source for determining how to best coach him/her to maximize results. Without this type of information, you may have your eye on the wrong ball.

One business manager I worked with felt that his sales people always needed help in the closing process and spent all of his coaching time on this step. In reality, his sales people were having difficulty with the discovery phase, believing it was impolite to ask questions. Without answers to the right questions, outstanding closing skills, and consultative sales strategies are useless!

As a sales manager, Objective Management Group's (OMG) sales evaluation helps identify beliefs that are sabotaging the dispensing professional's efforts. Then I focus my coaching on those areas that would address these beliefs.

For example, as a sales manager, I had a representative who frequently said, "They don't have the money in their budget." Through extensive research, OMG has determined that there are a number of beliefs that are not helpful in the consultative sales process:

o I should have the best price.

o It's impolite to talk about money.

o If there isn't enough money in their budget. I can't get more.

Since a discomfort talking about money can negatively impact sales results by up to 24%, I decided that my coaching and training efforts needed to focus on these belief systems. Until my salesperson could talk comfortably and confidently about money and budgets, this objection would haunt him forever!

There are many management tools available that can assist a manager of a small business in this endeavor. Quick Coach is one example of a CD full of helpful ideas on how to start coaching. I use it to access coaching suggestions for a representative's identified roadblock. The program offers positive affirmations, recommends books on coaching, and other training and coaching resources. In short, it provides a mini-course for creating a coaching culture.

Introducing more productive ways of thinking can be a coaching challenge. A staff member who has the desire to be successful, the unconditional commitment to do whatever it takes to be successful (i.e., within solid professional and ethical parameters), and the willingness to take personal responsibility for their success will be able to adjust their mindsets once they understand the benefits to their clients, the business/practice, and their own professional development.

Implement a Strong System Process for Consultative Selling

A strong system provides a framework for assessing needs and measuring progress, including:

o Clear steps that can be inspected and monitored;

o A common language for planning and debriefing on office visits;

o A framework for making joint decisions regarding sales when needed.

For example, when I initially started working with a high-end IT consulting company, they were convinced that their sales cycle could not be less than 18 months. They agreed that it would be valuable to have a shorter sales cycle, but that it would be impossible to attain. We documented their selling process and optimized it to ensure every interaction with the prospect was maximized. In creating this process, they created a common language for the entire sales organization that ensured more effective pre-call planning, call execution, post-call debriefing. These processes reduced the average sales cycle to 15 months, resulting in improved margins and cash flow for the company.

Although hearing instrument dispensing is obviously a completely different type of environment, there are many analogous situations relative to client "hand-holding" and consultative selling. A strong system combined with a skilled business manager who coaches staff members via a focused process builds the confidence of the staff and initiates exploration into new ways to be successful. Ultimately, this will reap personal and bottom-line rewards for everyone.

Assess Sales Team to Understand the Hand-You've-Been-Dealt

One tool that can help a manager of a small business determine the best approach in coaching for success is the "Hand-You've-Been-Dealt" quadrant developed by John Condry of Cornerstones Management, a management consulting firm. Once you determine which quadrant your staff member is in, you can determine the best coaching strategy: 1) terminate or transfer; 2) train and provide personal goal development; 3) retain and provide growth opportunities, or 4) maintain and monitor performance.

For example, Jim, an office products company president, had two sales people who weren't hitting revenue targets. Jack had been with the company for about 9 months and had not hit any quick-start targets. He seemed to always make excuses for his non-performance. "The competition is giving product away; how do you expect me to compete when you don't give me the negotiating room I need?" and "I don't get enough technical support. If you want me to sell, I need more support." After evaluating Jack's performance, Jim put Jack into the first quadrant with poor attitude and low competence. Jim had three options:

1. Talk to Jack about personal responsibility for results to move him to quadrant two where there would be ROI in training efforts

2. Transfer him to another department

3. Terminate his employment

Jim had to coach Jack differently than Nancy. Nancy was new to the company. She had a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and was very trainable. However, she lacked product knowledge and selling skills. She had a good attitude but poor skills, earning her a spot in quadrant #1. The required action to move her to quadrant four was training. In understanding "the hand he was dealt," Jim was able to more clearly identify what action steps were needed.

Tracking Your Sales Metrics

Another process that managers find helpful in determining where to begin coaching is to inspect the staff member's metrics and his/her ratios in each step of the consultative selling process. For example, what's the value of each sale? Is the staff member's dispensing activity in line with your or others' activities? Are there greater returns associated with his/her clients? Although the sales steps and metrics will vary based on the field, market, and the types of products and services, by inspecting these metrics on a regular basis, a business manager can diagnosis areas of constraint then focus coaching on these particular steps of the process.

Personal Proof That Sales Coaching Works

A typical assessment by a sales person I encountered attests to the power of effective sales coaching: "It's so helpful to have an objective person to debrief [client visits] with, someone who can help me identify the roadblocks that seem to block my way repeatedly."

Linda Richardson in her book, Sales Coaching, sums up the critical need for effective coaching in business: "Even if an organization has a compelling vision, even it is highly market-oriented, and even if it has sales systems, without developmental coaching as a way of life and feedback as a mainstay of communication, its management and sales people cannot continuously improve and get to the next level fast enough."

Hearing instrument dispensing is a complex task that demands a high degree of audio logical knowledge, fitting experience, and counseling skills, as well as a highly ethical approach to helping people who suffer from hearing loss. However, dispensing offices/practices rely on the many of same consultative sales principles that make most small businesses successful. A hearing care business/practice-including the owner and his/her staff members-stands to benefit significantly from basic coaching in consultative sales.

Strategy. Execution. Results.

Danita E. Bye

Sales Growth Specialists, Inc. - CEO / Founder - See all my sales articles.

C. 612.267.3320 - O. 612.246.4806

P.S. Download my complimentary eBook 67 Tips to Accelerate Sales.

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Subliminal Messages in Sales Training Can Multiply the Power of Your Existing Sales Skills

Subliminal messages are a great sales training tool when used in addition to traditional and practical training techniques. With subliminal training you can effortlessly stimulate your mind and multiply the power of your sales techniques. Imagine putting on a set of headphones, listening to a CD or MP3 subliminal messaging track, and having your unconscious take in directly targeted subliminal messages. No reading through hundreds of pages of a sales training book, and no complicated selling techniques to remember. This is an effortless way to learn and make the best use of your time.

Subliminal messaging should not be used to completely replace effective practical sales training. You still need to learn, practice, and refine your sales skills. Subliminal training should be used as an additional tool and act as a catalyst to fire up your sales motivation and make deep seated changes to your attitude. These changes will give you a different viewpoint that stimulates your mind to take new actions and use your sales training in new ways. Many salespeople are doing the same old thing every day and getting the same old results every month. They have the basic sales skills but don't know what new actions to take to increase their results and earn more money. Subliminal sales training will give you a whole new attitude and create an unconscious resourceful state. 

I've used subliminal messages when coaching sales people that had problems in other areas of their life that were affecting their performance at work. I've seen subliminal training used to overcome obstacles such as lack of confidence, financial problems, and to make changes to personal appearance and physical well being. There are many things that can affect our results at work, such as fears, phobias, or irrational beliefs. Once these negatives have been overcome we can focus and use our resources to move forward and become successful in a sales role. Subliminal messages work in the same way as hypnosis.  They bypasses your conscious logical mind and act on your unconscious mind. This is why subliminal messaging is so effective at helping you change patterns of  behaviour. Your logical mind is a function you start to develop around the age of five or six. This is why you can suggest almost anything to a child and they will accept it as truth. When we are younger we are much more susceptible to suggestion and you don't need hypnosis or subliminal messaging to create self beliefs in a child.

When we are adults our logical mind does not let us accept all the information presented to us. By going around the conscious mind you can make major changes to your self beliefs, patterns of thinking, and physical behavior. These changes would be very difficult if using conscious learning techniques. By accessing your subconscious mind you can solve difficult problems or issues much more quickly and directly. Hypnosis gains access to your subconscious mind by sending you into a trance. And this is where the difference between subliminal messaging and hypnosis comes in. Subliminal messaging doesn't send you into a trance. You won't feel drowsy, or need to take a time out for an hour.  This means that you can use subliminal cds and mp3s while you work, study, or go about your daily activities. I've seen many top sales performers using subliminal training while at the gym. This is a great sales training technique because the exercise, and the surroundings, distracts your conscious mind and the subliminal messages go directly into your subconscious. It is also a great way to save time as you are getting physical training and mental sales training in the same space of time.

Having managed and trained sales people for many years it is my opinion that using subliminal messages has no negatives and a lot of potential positives. The worst that can happen is that the training has no effect. The potential positives are: increased sales results using an effortless sales training tool. You make changes that create a positive mental attitude, and you increase sales and earn more money,

I'm Stephen Craine, I'm a working sales manager and sales trainer. Subliminal messages are a sales training technique I have advised many people to use. When combined with practical sales skills training it is a powerful resource that takes very little time or effort, and can produce great results. Is also very effective in helping to overcome obstacles in all areas of your life and can help you create all round success and achievement. You can see more about subliminal sales training at Subliminal Messages for Sales Training As a working sales manager I look around the world for effective sales training techniques for my working sales teams, and I share the results on my website which you can visit at

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